A David Psalm. Your skin has more than 2 million tiny sweat glands, about 3,000 per square inch, to regulate your temperature. Can man take in the vision? There are psalms for times of trouble and grief. There is far more going on that we don’t understand. Psalms 9:4.—J. Parker, City Temple, vol. All of these thoughts should lead us, as the psalm both begins and ends (Ps. He has somehow set them all in their appointed places and orbits. So David’s first and main point is that we should worship the Lord because His name is majestic in all the earth. As we seek to live in light of God’s purpose for our lives, we will know where we fit into His plan and our lives will take on the significance that God intended. How should a believer in such a job view it? 11-12, in The Summit Journal, April, 2007.) 4:4-7), http://www.desiringod.org/ResourceLibrary/Sermons/. It’s time!” All of the baby’s complex systems—lungs, heart, gastrointestinal system, nervous system, brain—are ready to make it on their own. v., p. 306. The text is now to be used as the basis of the inquiry, What is the moral effect of studying great subjects? (3) Love. (1) God has laid bare to man the splendid vision by prophecy. 3. (He was, indeed, the “son of David,” the Messiah.) vi., No. God is revealed to man as He is revealed to no other of His visible creatures, not as God merely, but as our God, the personal God of His personal creatures. So far as we can see, that objection takes one of two shapes—either that man, looked at in the light of such a universe, is too insignificant for this interposition, or that God is too exalted for us to expect such an interposition from Him. David also says that the majesty of God’s name is seen in all the earth and above the heavens. 8. That capacity is faith. J. R. Macduff, Communion Memories, p. 51. iv.,p. Derek Kidner (Psalms 1-72 [IVP], pp. Your heart beats an average of 75 times per minute, 40 million times per year, or two and a half billion times in 70 years. Psalm 9—I. John Piper Apr 8, 2007 0 Shares God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him Learn more about Desiring God … To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient. (1) The mind of man receives a further dignity when we turn from its power over the material to its capacity in the moral world. But science cannot reconcile us to God. B. Although we marred God’s image through sin, God has restored it in Jesus Christ. The sheer vastness of outer space and the coordination of it all is astounding. The answer is, Most certainly it can. While modern man worships the creation rather than the Creator, we should not neglect the fact that we are the stewards over God’s creation. There is a supernatural sphere, and man's connection with it is his glory, his endowments from it his highest treasures. It is not that the psalmist admires elements of creation as though God is in them. II. Psalm 1, Where the Path of the Godly and Ungodly Leads. Consider the exaltation of the humanity in the Divine purpose. Like the builders of the Tower of Babel, proud modern man uses his scientific breakthroughs to proclaim his independence from God. [ b] A psalm of David. Thus the Lord overcomes His enemies by the marvel of little children and the praise that they sing in their simple faith. Worship the Lord because His name is majestic in all the earth and because He has graciously crowned us with glory and majesty. Separate from nature, I may be akin to God. 287. A Lasting Legacy: Choosing A Wife For Isaac (Gen. 24:1-67). Your eyes have about 100 million receptor cells in each retina, which also contains four other layers of nerve cells. Psalms 10:17.—Ibid., Sermons, vol. Let the doctrine of evolution, on its purely scientific side, be true,—instead of being overawed and humbled by the long succession of ages which have preceded me, I find in them new testimony to the greatness of my nature and the possible dignity of my position. He is so thoroughly earthly, so wedded to the scenes of time, that vigorous means are needed in order to wean him from earth and attach him to the skies. Can someone tell me what worship is? He does not reign over nature; he wrestles with nature; step by step he gains upon nature, and subdues it to his purposes; but he has still to keep continual watch and ward lest nature should rebel against him and destroy him. III. The heavens declare His glory, and proclaim it to be infinite. x., p. 221. Size of heavenly objects. Does debt affect giving in modern times in light of the Israelite tithe and slaves? "Made a little lower than the angels, crowned with glory and honour. 2 Nursing infants gurgle choruses about you; toddlers shout the songs. a stubborn and rebellious generation” (Psalm 78:6-8). To kill children simply because it is inconvenient to care for them, is a horrible sin that we must confront. I. "Now we see not yet all things put under him; but we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour," etc. i., p. 364 (see also Pulpit Notes, p. 163). They have an a priori bias against God because they want to be the lords of their own lives. How can you look at a baby and say that it happened by sheer chance, apart from a Creator? (3) Above all, there was the great revelation—the revelation by Himself. “That’s right! III. The promises were lost, and the people faltered and stumbled and lost their way. Forget the mall or the movies. With a few more breakthroughs, we can cure all our diseases and live forever! He is mindful of us inasmuch as He has provided all things needful for our existence. The Local Group belongs to the Virgo Cluster, part of an even larger Local Supercluster, which is a half-billion light years across. I think that John Calvin was right when he said that the process of the conception and birth of an infant displays God’s splendor so clearly that even a nursing infant brings down to the ground the fury of God’s enemies (Calvin’s Commentaries [Baker], on Psalms, p. 98). The language of very many thinkers nowadays is the first hasty utterance of the Psalmist—"What is man?" The great end of man's existence in the present life is to prepare for a better. The highest fulfilment of these words can be found nowhere short of Him who loved to call Himself the "Son of man." If we turn to the sacred record of God's creation of the world, we cannot overlook or mistake the two great religious truths which stand side by side on its page, the twofold revelation of one and the same God as the Creator of the material universe and as the personal Providence that watches over the life and actions of men. 3608. ). Notice the exaltation of the humanity in the incarnation of the Son of God. It alone discloses depths of compassion transcending even those heights of power, and points us to a Being who crowns His own nature, as He crowns us, "with loving-kindness and tender mercy." Modern sophistry is ready to tell us that one law of cause and effect reigns supreme over mind as well as matter, that the actions of man, like the other phenomena of the universe, are but links in a chain of rigid and necessary consequences. It is not enough that we draw nigh to God; God Himself must draw nigh to us. It is 750,000 light years away. Is it futile or potentially useful to debate an atheist about the existence of God? He is mindful of us, again, because He has provided everything, not only for our existence, but for our happiness. To exist at all as a member of so vast an assemblage of beings, and to occupy a footing in the universe such as it is, involves incalculable probabilities of future good or ill. Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou established strength, Because of thine adversaries, That thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger." I could elaborate extensively on each of these points, but I can only list them and trust that you will think through the applications more fully: This psalm should humble us and cause us to marvel at God’s grace and love in caring for us by sending His Son as our Savior. The daily struggle with pain, temptation, guilt and sin - Gen. 3:16-17. Two other psalms (81, 84) have the term in their titles. David begins with the exclamation, “O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth, who have displayed Your splendor above the heavens!”. Sir Isaac Newton had an exact replica of our solar system made in miniature. When Israel celebrated God’s mighty deliverance at the exodus, they sang (Exod. In Psalm 8, David is exhorting us to…. I. God seeks, by all the tender persuasiveness of His love, to bring that will into harmony with His own; when that is done, there will be a great calm. Prophecy is God's revelation by word. For by identifying the praise of the children of Jerusalem with Psalm 8, Jesus not only validated their words, showing them to be proper. What right have I to separate myself from the creatures to which I am so closely related? When then God asks our help in anything, He does so for our good, and never to fill up the circle of His own ability. Our human nature occupies the central throne of heaven. Its 22 verses form an acrostic or alphabetical psalm, like Psalm 25 and Psalm 119. 866,000 miles in diameter (hollow out sun). So far from being insignificant in comparison with the heavens, man is of infinitely more value than they. ( A) in all the earth! And yet supposedly intelligent scientists see all of this and then attribute it to “nature” or random chance! The birds of the sky, the fish of the sea, and whatever passes through the paths of the seas. As the Puritans emphasized, every legitimate occupation is a God-given vocation. III. Words really can’t do it justice. In what does his superiority consist? David knows that in spite of all of the evidence of God’s glory in His creation, there are still adversaries that oppose Him. I. David could have said that we were made just a little higher than the other animals, but instead, he says that we were made a little lower than God to reflect the wonder that we are created in His image. On the other hand, if we remember that our spiritual nature is akin to God's, made only a little lower than His, then we are stimulated to cultivate the manhood with which we have been endowed, to agonise, if need be, till we become perfect, even as He is perfect. It formed the great Divine idea ere the earth was made, and when God dwelt alone in the solitudes of infinite space. ◄ Psalm 32:8 ► I will instruct you and teach you the way you should go; I will give you counsel and watch over you. But the Son of man, in whom the original pattern is more fully realized, reflects this same glory far more perfectly.”. I. Children's Sermon on Psalm 8: How Majestic Psalms Background. Psalms 9:10.—Spurgeon, Sermons, vol. II. Who is like You, majestic in holiness, awesome in praises, working wonders?”, David says further that it is God’s name that is majestic. According to gittith. Can the supernatural world unfold itself before man? The weakest man is greater than the most magnificent star. There are psalms crying out for deliverance. And the answer they give to the question is this: Man is but a mote in the sunbeam, a grain of sand in the desert, a ripple upon an infinite ocean, an atom in immensity. Often when he visited the President at Sagamore Hill, the two men would go outdoors at night to see who could first locate the Andromeda galaxy. Some jobs seem tedious and boring. Williams, The Psalms Interpreted of Christ, p. 189. Sun 1,300,000 times the earth. It is one of the greatest scientific frauds that the enemy of our souls has ever foisted on the human race! C. The progressive death of the body - Gen. 5:5. The Septuagint (LXX, Greek translation of the OT) translated the word “strength” somewhat freely as “praise.” God’s strength as seen in creating children leads to His praise. David says that it is “from the mouth of infants and nursing babes You have established strength” (8:2)! We cannot touch one of His stars; we cannot control their courses; we cannot increase or diminish their light. The child will not breathe until it has cleared the birth canal. It is manifest that the omnipotent wisdom and power laves to divide itself upon the individuality of its works. David also considers God’s splendor above the heavens. Psalm 6, Lord, Do Not Rebuke Me. Who made it for you?”. Thus it is that both in the vastness and the richness of the visible universe the invisible God is adumbrated. How Excellent is Thy Name: An Exposition of the 8th Psalm The Book of Psalms served as a hymnbook to the Hebrew people. It is not merely supreme power that is here spoken of; it is supreme authority, as when our Lord said to His disciples, "All power is given to Me." John Piper Apr 1, 2007 46 Shares Sermon. (3) So far from what God has done for the world of matter in the fields of astronomy being any reason for discrediting what the Gospel declares He has done for the world of mind in man, it should be a reason for believing it. My parents used to have a little plaque on the wall by our front door that read, “Only one life, ’twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.” That little couplet states it well. When the Psalmist looked up to the heavens, he was at first overwhelmed with a sense of his own littleness; but, on second thoughts, David bethought himself that this was an entire misconception of the matter, and that man could not be inferior to the heavens, for God had, in point of fact, made him only a little lower than the angels—"than the Elohim," is the word in the Hebrew. Think of all of the wonders of modern science, including the advances in medical science. vii., p. 193; W. Lindsay Alexander, Christian Thought and Work, p. 123; Congregationalist, vol. Psalms 8:1-2 "O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth, Who hast set thy glory upon the heavens! ( Psalm 8:1-9 NIV) But the biological process of birth is amazing. Psalm 8#In Hebrew texts 8:1-9 is numbered 8:2-10.For the director of music. vi., p. 536. But the LXX translators took the rarer meaning and translated that we were created a little lower than the angels. 344; Preacher's Monthly, vol. This is the gospel of science; is it true, or is it false? Psalm 8. We must treat all people with respect. God is the God of order, and order is peace. (2) "All things"—small things as well as great. When we consider God’s majesty as seen in all the earth, I could cite enough examples to keep you here all day. The word “majestic” implies royalty, a concept which we as Americans do not properly appreciate. They were all geared together by cogs and belts to make them move around the sun in harmony. Beyond this, there is the fact that little children often praise God. Psalm 8:1-9 God's Glory Perfectly Revealed in the Son of Man . It is to do away with our fear; it is to tell us that there is nothing incredible or preposterous in the thought that He visits us, and expends even upon us all the riches of His care and love. (2) Hope, the supernatural virtue which strengthens the soul, not merely to gaze at the beauty of that fair, that unearthly, landscape, but to enter in, and say with holy fear, with humble confidence, "This paradise is mine." That wonderful name was revealed to Moses at the burning bush. Where is the biblical balance? Take a hike and enjoy God through the wonders that He has made! “When I … O LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! 2 Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger. D. The ultimate eternal separation from God - Gen. 3:22. No matter what you do to earn a living, you can do it for the Lord (Col. 3:22-24). The Divine Father, by immutable covenant, invested Him as Mediator with "length of days for ever and ever.". IV. who hast set thy glory above the heavens. iv., p. 250; F. E. Paget, Sermons on the Duties of Daily Life, p. 23; J. H. Evans, Thursday Penny Pulpit, vol. Reference: Psalms 8:3, Psalms 8:4.—Bishop Temple, Rugby Sermons, 3rd series, p. 91. Psalm 7 Psalm 8 Psalm 9. He is ours, for he made us, protects us, and takes special care of us. The student of nature should be on his guard against two possibilities: (1) against mistaking creation for the Creator; (2) against mistaking the transient for the permanent. All things are not put under man. In such a case we do not indeed see the man, nor, strictly speaking, is it more than his exterior form of which we have direct evidence; nevertheless we do not fail to fill up in idea what is wanting in formal proof; and we think almost as distinctly of the person as if he stood, without a screen, fronting us in the blaze of light. This Psalm is stamped with a worldwide breadth; it is of no nation; it is of all time; it shines with a light transcending that of mere human genius. Psalms 8:6. So David tells us to worship the Lord because although we are puny and insignificant, He has graciously thought of us and cared for us. 2:7) because he wanted to make the point that Jesus for a short while had been made lower than the angels, so that through His death He could accomplish our salvation. Psalms 10:4.—Preacher's Monthly, vol. Verses 11–22 are a sermon that exhorts us to hear God's instruction as we are taught what it means to fear the Lord. Just before the mother and child separate, the newborn gets a last-minute blood transfusion through the umbilical cord. Sovereignty and moral control … children 's Sermon on psalm 8 [ a ] the... Not only for our existence lost their way I ’ m ready, California been indignant before, they have... 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