2016. “Behavioural Responses of Canis Familiaris to Different Tail Lengths of a Remotely-Controlled Life-Size Dog Replica.”, Coren, Stanley, PhD, DSc, FRSC. The reason this is important is to stop “nerve memory.”. “Amputation works because of physics,” says Dr. Tony Johnson, … Cont… 8. Adult tail amputation- our journey. Dusky skin changes, mottled discolouration and slough can be observed. The vet may place absorbable sutures, which dissolve on their own, so there’s less fiddling around when healing is complete. “Broken Tails in Cats Aren’t Always Obvious.” Veterinary Partner. Here’s a Bulldog who has undergone a medically necessary tail amputation: If you’re worried about how your pet will cope without a tail, please don’t be. The Amputation and surgery itself is usually not where the problems occur. Wound oedema, reduced elasticity or tight stump dressings, and adhesive dressings applied with tension can all increase the friction of the epidermis and cause blistering of the skin. How to prevent muscle contractures after amputation with stretching exercises? Hip flexion contractures and knee flexion contractures are common complications post amputation and can impact significantly on prosthetic rehabilitation. Read more, © Physiopedia 2021 | Physiopedia is a registered charity in the UK, no. To do this may require a cocktail of medications to really get on top of things. This can increase hospital length of stay and the risk of secondary morbidities such as pneumonia or reduced function. Whether your dog has “happy tail syndrome” or your cat’s tail has been crushed in a door, you may be facing tail amputation. Elizabeth Bouch, Katie Burns, Elizabeth Geer, Matthew Fuller and Anna Rose. For the physiotherapists involved in the early and post acute stages of rehabilitation, the challenge is determining the nociceptive and neuropathic causes which require attention in order to manage the patient and so enable effective rehabilitation to occur. Phantom limb pain, cortical reorganization and the therapeutic effect of mental imagery. Dr. Pam Wiltzius discusses common post-amputation complications for dogs including seromas, phantom pain and blood clots. 1173185, Muscle Weakness, Contractures and Joint Instability, Osseointegration Specific Complications in Trans Femoral Patients. So now i have to fork over $500 to amputate the tail (that's the cost of everything; antibiotics, anesthesia...). [1], Stump oedema occurs as a result of trauma and the mishandling of tissues during surgery [2]. Numerous interventions are used to manage and prevent post-operative stump oedema, including, compression socks, rigid removable dressings, exercise, wheelchair stump boards, and PPAM aiding. Available from: Ottobock. If a pet has a large growth on their tail, then removing it is tricky because there’s simply not enough skin to fill in the hole, making tail amputation the only option. “The Infinite Sadness of Happy Tail.” VetzInsight from Veterinary Partner and VIN. Original Editor - Lauren Newcombe as part of the World Physiotherapy Network for Amputee Rehabilitation Project, Top Contributors - Sheik Abdul Khadir, Tarina van der Stockt, Tony Lowe, Aicha Benyaich and Kim Jackson. Authors Keith Schoen 1 , David C Sweet. The importance of removing pain ahead of removing the limb came to light and remains good practice. Brain 2008;131:2181–91. “Approaching Phantom Complex After Limb Amputation in the Canine Species.”. This happened to a cat adopted by our head nurse. Some of them are extremely painful and terribly unpleasant; some are simply weird or disconcerting. If the tail has been broken, it may appear to have a kink or a complete bend in it. When refering to evidence in academic writing, you should always try to reference the primary (original) source. Sometimes, surgery is an option, however, this can impact on the shape of the stump and rehabilitation outcomes [9]. What Are The Risks of Tail Amputation Surgery? What are the alternatives to tail amputation surgery? As the cat moves around, this risks further damage to the nerves and in the worst cases could imperil bladder and bowel function. Spinal Cord. Poor tissue perfusion leads to ischaemia and necrosis. If they’re awake, the Lab is wagging … it’s just a question of how hard. Sometimes, sadly, the only way to deal with the problem is to remove the tail. However, underlying disease state and post-operative management can result in complications, the most common of which are: Low et al. Also, the scabs are itchy and the dog wants to chew, which adds another complication. I found very little on adult tail amputation and recovery process, so here is Teal's. The most obvious sign of tail trauma is a limp, flaccid tail. Surgical Procedures: Tail Tip Excision and Partial Amputation of the Tail Excision of a few millimeters from the end of a mouse's tail and partial amputation of the mouse's tail are minor surgical procedures and, as such, must be performed in accordance with Public Health Service guidelines and policies for survival rodent surgery. Your golden is a member of the family, and you are good to wonder about the recovery time, impact on the dog, and other issues. The pet may look a little strange to you at first, because they’ll have hair shaved around the tail base and have a new silhouette. If the nerve supply to the bladder is damaged and the tail hangs completely limp, then tail amputation may be advisable. In addition, some of the ulcers are very deep. But these bandages are tricky to keep on and often get wagged off. When the wounds cannot be repaired or will not heal, or when the bandage stubbornly falls off, or when a dog wags their tail so hard that the tail keeps getting re-injured, then we may have to resort to tail amputation. 0 0. Engstrom, B and Van de Ven, C (1999). The BACPAR post operative oedema guidance (2012) details the evidence behind these interventions and recommends the use of rigid removable dressings where expertise, time and resources allow. “New Insights Into the Phantom Complex for Small Animals.”, Menchetti, Marika, DVM, PhD, et al. During this period, it’s good to keep. This can lead to subsequent wound breakdown and dehiscence [9]. Hattersley, Rachel, BVetMed, CertSAS, DipECVS, MRCVS. + Click to see the sources for this article. A culture negative finding does not meet this criterion. Churchill Livingstone. Cats are masters at hiding pain. selliot selliot Registered User; Members; 211 posts; Joined May 2007 #1; Posted June 10, 2010. J R Army Med Corps 2014; 160(1):16-21, Gillis A and Macdonald B (2005) Deconditioning in the hospitalised elderly. Effects of desipramine, amitriptyline, and fluoxetine on pain in diabetic neuropathy. I was living in a flat above the surgery suite that had heavy fire doors that closed automatically. Typically, this involves assessing the extent of the injuries by: And sadly, for those dogs or cats who are left with irreparable damage or who fail to respond, tail amputation is for the best. “A shorter tail means less motion.”. Unfortunately, many modern-day amputations are still poorly done, and these will either develop complications during the healing process, or else require revision surgery at a later date. After amputation, it is not uncommon for patients to experience pain, muscle weakness or instability in structures not directly associated with the amputation. Luckily, Skate didn’t crush any bones. I had my dog's tail amputated after he tried to recover from a tail injury, and recovery from amputation was 100 times easier than trying to get his tail to heal. Thankfully amputation surgery side effects are few and far … Source(s): https://shrinke.im/a9HmR. In cases where this surgery is required due to medical reasons, dogs receive analgesia and general anesthesia as if it were a m… Complications of bone-anchored prostheses for individuals with an extremity amputation: A systematic review. 2006 Sep;9. In one form or another, they are experienced by most people following an amputation. Tails are wonderful things that help cats to balance and dogs to communicate. If you believe that this Physiopedia article is the primary source for the information you are refering to, you can use the button below to access a related citation statement. Current physical medicine and rehabilitation reports. 2009 Jul;38(7):232-3. doi: 10.1038/laban0709-232. Exposed bone soon gets infected, so the exposed tail bone must be removed. World Wide Wounds. Symptoms include distal pain, allodynia and autonomic and motor dysfunction. How can I save money? 1991. World Physiotherapy Network for Amputee Rehabilitation Project, BACPAR post operative oedema guidance (2012), Acute post-surgical management of the amputee, wound healing following lower limb amputation, Complications and revision amputation following trauma-related lower limb loss, Guidance for the multi disciplinary team on the management of postoperative residuum oedema in lower limb amputees, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4228106/, Osseointegrated prostheses for rehabilitation following amputation. “Balance in the Cat: Role of the Tail and Effects of Sacrocaudal Transection.”. 1 decade ago. My cat, Skate, was a little too slow walking through said door, and got stuck fast by the tail. Sadly, tail amputation may be needed as a treatment of last resort, along with good pain relief ahead of surgery (to numb the nerves that are causing the phantom pain). Then there’s the pleasure we all get from seeing the upright tail of a friendly approaching cat or the waggy blur of an excited dog. This is when the vet makes sure the pet has recovered from the anesthetic and is eating normally. If you can’t foresee ever having to make this decision, think again. 61-75, Max MB et al. This module looks at the requirements, preparation, procedure, aftercare and outcomes of tail amputation, including:Requirements Diagnosis of Superficial incisional surgical site infection by the surgeon or attending physician. Canine and feline tail amputation. Don’t worry: Like any other pet amputees, they will most likely adapt and quickly be back to their usual happy self. Johnson, Tony, DVM, DACVECC. More information on wound healing following lower limb amputation from The American Academy of Orthotists & Prosthetists. Sometimes the nerves to the tail “remember” a previous pain and cause distress long after the original injury has healed. The patient has at least one of the following : Organisms isolated from an aseptically obtained culture of fluid or tissue from the superficial incision. Dog Tail Amputation. Please note that in our hospital protocols, a patient with a recent wound or incision will receive a pain score of 1/10 at minimum. Fortunately, pets don’t have human hang-ups, they adapt well and they are pleased to no longer be in pain. A culture negative does not meet this criterion. If you notice any of these signs, contact your vet immediately. For much more information, see “Your Pet’s Surgery: An Expert Guide to What to Expect.”. Guidance for the mulfi-disciplinary team on the management of post-operafive residuum oedema in lower limb amputees. But this is a good investment in the pet’s future well-being. Long after the infection healed, every time the Elizabethan collar (E collar, a.k.a. Kris L. Lv 7. Owner reports were our only source on follow-up, but these suggested that her scores did not increase again. Other causes may include removing the sutures too soon or swelling of the residual limb. I’ve known one patient develop happy tail from wagging against a radiator in a hallway, and another from beating their tail (wagging!) How we prevent phantom pain (and infection) in your pet, What to expect from the surgical procedure, And why your pet will be happier in the long term, Examining skin wounds under sedation or anesthesia, Managing wounds with dressing, antibiotics and pain relief, Yes, cats do use their tail for balance, but they soon compensate and adapt. ROM exercises should be incorporated to avoid contractures, as well as prone lying to prevent hip flexion contractures, a sandbag could be placed next to the residuum to prevent a hip abduction contracture. The cat, Baxter, was a stray handed into the RSPCA. “Your Cat’s Tail: What it Says About Her Mood.” Cat Behavior Associates. “Why Do Dogs Have Tails?”. Additionally, ruminants occasionally regurgitate when they are heavily sedated and risk aspiration of the regurgitated material. Ill-fitting socket - lack of distal contact, insufficient bony relief, too tight, too loose, pistoning causing friction/blisters, Incorrect alignment and pressure distribution, Incorrectly donned prosthesis, including the number/thickness of socks, Excessive sweating/skin breakdown Verrucous hyperplasia, Address musculoskeletal weakness and imbalances, Mechanical: fractures of the abutment screws, abutments, fixtures. Osteosarcomas and fibrosarcomas are two cancers which can develop in the leg. In addition, the vet may want to get infection under control (although this isn’t always necessary) before going ahead. These injuries are usually caused by trauma, such as a traffic accident. The problem happens when the dog wags against an abrasive surface, such as a brick wall. Pasquina PF, Miller M, Carvalho AJ, Corcoran M, Vandersea J, Johnson E, Chen YT. This, in combination with reduced muscle tone and inactivity, can lead to stump oedema. Amputation Tail amputation in adult Older than 1 week needs epidural anesthesia. But the dog doesn’t learn and continues to wag near the offending object, causing further tail trauma. In most cases Physiopedia articles are a secondary source and so should not be used as references. Purulent drainage from the deep incision. Pendergrass, JoAnna, DVM. against a garage wall. That is usually the journal article where the information was first stated. Depending on the extent of non-viable tissue, wound debridement or revision surgery is often necessary. Check Now: Blue Buffalo • Science Diet • Purina • Wellness • 4health • Canine Carry Outs • Friskies • Taste of the Wild • See 200+ more brands…. When an injured tail cannot be repaired or won’t heal, the veterinarian may have to resort to tail amputation. One option is to try tail dressing to protect the open wound. 2015. [1] reviewed the data of 2879 patients in the USA who had major lower extremity amputations following trauma injuries to the lower limbs. In addition to these 4 pain types that can be experienced following amputation, clinicians should also be aware of the pain that may be caused by co-existing pathology: Prosthetic pain is also a concern and may be caused by: A large variety of medical/surgical and non-medical methods exist for the treatment of post-amputation pain: Below Peter Le Feurve, a physiotherapist with an interest in pain talks about pain management in amputees; Read more about Pain management in amputees, Read about Mirror Therapy and Graded Motor Imagery. [5] See Acute post-surgical management of the amputee for more information. Amputation involves the surgical removal of a body part that is diseased or damaged beyond salvage. Musculoskeletal Complications in Amputees: Their Prevention and Management, Sign up to receive the latest Physiopedia news, The content on or accessible through Physiopedia is for informational purposes only. When amputation has resulted from a traumatic incident, such as in a disaster setting, this can be complicated by co-existing injury to the same limb or other parts of the body. Tail docking in puppies is much less difficult then tail docking in an adult dog but regardless of the age of the dog when the tail docking is performed, it is at risk for bleeding, unmanaged pain, and anesthetic complications. As for dogs, yes, they do use their tail for communication. Goldens don't use their tails for anything except wagging if they are pets, or as 'rudders' if they are hunters. • Reflect the flaps to the point of section, which is made through a joint. The decision to insert a drain and use clips instead of sutures is also associated with increased infection risk. The classic is the cat who ambles through a door … which then slams shut on their tail. Nov. 25, 2002. 16-20. involves deep soft tissues (i.e., muscles and fascial layers of the incision). Walker, C., et al. Blisters can also be formed due to infection, traction, and an allergic reaction. The residual limb can appear hot, swollen and trophic due to altered control of the sympathetic nervous system. Surgeons will aim to reconstruct the limb to the best of their ability, taking into account soft tissue viability, bone length and other anatomical considerations. This happens when the wound is not strong enough to resist the forces placed on it and could result in muscle and bone is exposed. 37 (6) pp.696-703, Harker J. Here are 6 common reasons tail amputation may be required: The poster-dog for “happy tail syndrome” is the Labrador Retriever. Johnson-Bennett, Pam. For the majority of dogs and cats, tail amputation is day surgery — meaning they can go home that evening. https://www.physio-pedia.com/index.php?title=Complications_Post_Amputation&oldid=254428, involves only skin and subcutaneous tissue of the incision. Anti-depressants are proven to be beneficial in reducing neuropathic pain [18] alongside nerve blocks, TENS, graded exercise and mobilisation. Some cancers can affect the leg including bone cancer and VAS (vaccine associated cancer).This is a rare cancer with an incidence of 1 in 1,000 to 1 in 10,000 vaccinated cats. If the pet has a tail damaged beyond repair, they will be in constant pain or discomfort. Complications Complications are less common but: Tetnus (wise to give ATS before) Necrosis. Ottobock. As with most surgical procedures, you’ll need to forgo feeding your pet overnight, so they have an empty stomach ready for the anesthetic. N Engl J Med 1992; 326: 1250. This can mean anything from giving a powerful painkiller with the pre-med, through to several days of pain-relieving medication before surgery is considered. This typically happens when a cat has an accident that damages their pelvis or lower back. An abscess or other evidence of infection involving the deep incision is found on direct examination, during reoperation or by histopathological or radiological examination. Others pets aren’t so lucky — and if the tail is damaged beyond repair, then they’re happier without it. Jan 2019. Atallah R, Leijendekkers RA, Hoogeboom TJ, Frölke JP. Literature suggests a post-operative infection rate ranging from 12-70% in the UK [7] but this is widely due to the variation in the classification of stump wounds. We are always most concerned with the anesthesia. The effects of bed rest and reduced mobility are also well documented. "Amputation of the Tail of a Horse as the Basis for a Malpractice Suit." So, my dog had to have emergency surgery on Friday afternoon after an accident at the groomer :(. Diagnosis of the deep incisional surgical site infection by the surgeon or attending physician. This can include poor wound healing, redness, heat, discharge, infections and/or swelling. They’ll also check the area for infection and pain, and then supply any appropriate medications. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, 43 (5), pp.556-560, Mcintosh J and Earnshaw J J (2009) Antibiotic Prophylaxis for the Prevention of Infection after Major Limb Amputation. Physiopedia articles are best used to find the original sources of information (see the references list at the bottom of the article). Jan 2019, Wasner G, Schattsneider J, Binder A and Baron R (2003) Complex regional pain syndrome-diagnostic mechanisms, CNS involvement and therapy. Healing is usually complete after 10–14 days, which is when any non-absorbable sutures will need to come out. After years of battling happy tail we finally gave in and had his tail off. As with any surgery, having an amputation carries a risk of complications. Of course the vet will consider all the other options first, but sometimes tail amputation is most definitely for the best. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery. Brooks, Wendy, DVM, DABVP. Following the tail amputation, Maxie made a full recovery, with her pain scores returning to 1/10 by the time of discharge. Sometimes, if after considerable effort the wound isn’t healing, then tail amputation may be necessary. At least one of the following signs or symptoms of infection: Pain or tenderness, localised swelling, redness or heat, and a superficial incision is deliberately opened by the surgeon and is culture positive or not cultured. [9], A deep, infected sinus can often mask osteomyelitis and delay healing. Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 20(1), pp.25-28. Recommended Posts. There are several types of sensations following an amputation that should be discussed when referring to pain following amputation. See, “Your Pet’s Surgery: An Expert Guide to What to Expect.”, https://www.avma.org/KB/Policies/Pages/Ear-Cropping-and-Tail-Docking-of-Dogs.aspx, https://www.catbehaviorassociates.com/your-cats-tail-what-it-says-about-her-mood/, https://brill.com/view/journals/beh/145/3/article-p377_7.xml, https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/canine-corner/201611/why-do-dogs-have-tails, https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/tail-injuries-in-dogs, https://www.vin.com/vetzinsight/default.aspx?pid=756&catId=5860&id=6998567, https://www.vettimes.co.uk/article/management-of-canine-and-feline-degloving-injuries/, https://veterinarypartner.vin.com/default.aspx?pid=19239&catId=102903&id=4951820, https://www.americanveterinarian.com/news/new-insights-into-the-phantom-complex-for-small-animals, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1558787817300904, https://www.atdove.org/article/caudectomy-in-the-er, Why the veterinarian wants to amputate your dog or cat’s tail. This is because of the weight of the “dead tail” pulling on the spinal cord. This is accompanied by lots of blood. If your pet has a tail, there’s a chance they may injure it. Tail amputation - advice on healing? Surgery SaturdayIn today's video, we check out a tail amputation done on a dog with chronic "happy tail". I'm so upset about it, i tried so hard to keep it clean but i just couldn't. Discussion in 'Dog Health and Nutrition' started by toffee44, Nov 7, 2015. toffee44 PetForums VIP. Airaksinen, O., Kolari, P.J., Herve, R. and Holopainen, R. (1988) Treatment of post- traumatic oedema in lower legs using intermittent pneumatic compression. And then there are the possible complications that can result from this procedure. The Centre for Disease Control (CDC) Surgical Site Infection (SSI) Criteria (2008) aims to make this classification more standardised[8]: A Superficial Incisional surgical site infection must meet the following criterion : A Deep Incisional surgical site infection meets the following criterion : The potential consequences of infection include vac therapy, wound debridement and revision surgery. Lewis, R.W. By selliot June 10, 2010 in Sheffield Pet Owners. Wound healing complications associated with lower limb amputation. When your cat comes home from surgery the first few days can be challenging as you try to figure out if your cat has adequate pain control, or not enough. Amputation Extend the retracted skin over the remaining tail, assess the tail length and resect more if necessary. This happened to one of my cats. This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The sinus can extend from the skin to the subcutaneous tissues and management often includes aggressive antibiotic therapy. Complications, according to Cat World, can be quite common. Deconditioning results in diminished muscle mass, sarcomere shortening, reduced muscle strength and changes in cartilaginous structures [13]. “Management of Canine and Feline Degloving Injuries.”. Any time an animal or human undergoes anesthesia there is always a chance for complications. Sometimes, if after considerable effort the wound isn’t healing, then tail amputation may be necessary. What happens is the tail whips against an object, and this eventually breaks the skin. Tail amputation requires a full general anesthetic and takes 20–40 minutes, depending on how high up the amputation is. They discovered a high rate of complications among this patient group and at least 41.8% of these patients had to undergo at least one revision amputation. Sedatives and tranquilizers depress GI motility, which increases the risk of rumen tympany (bloat). To help you understand the whys and what-ifs of tail amputation, this article covers: Please note that we will not discuss tail docking in this article, as it is a controversial topic and is considered unethical by the American Veterinary Medical Association. In dogs, the parts more commonly amputated are a limb, toe(s), or the tail. Physiopedia is not a substitute for professional advice or expert medical services from a qualified healthcare provider. Appose skin edge with 2 or 3 sutures. “Tail Injuries in Dogs.” VCA Hospitals. He was left with a kink in his tail, but it could be saved. Surgical intervention is usually indicated with total dehiscence. Pain is an inevitable consequence of amputation. Decreasing the volume of rumen contents may reduce these risks. According to Dr. Chris Berg, author of the popular Vet’s Guide to Life blog, tail amputation is very low risk and the chances of surrounding muscles or nerves of the rectum being affected are minimal. Your pet may have a post-op check 2–3 days later. Complications after surgery include fecal incontinence and anal stenosis (scarring of the anal area, making it difficult to pass stool). Special considerations for multiple limb amputation. Our poor henry (11 month-old lab/springer cross) has had to have part of his tail amputated after repeated tail injuries. In theory, this could make it more difficult for a strange dog to read your pup’s body language. when the patient has at least one of the following signs or symptoms: fever (>38), or localised pain or tenderness. He does not miss his tail at all. Surgical treatments including removal of the affected tissue, cryosurgery (freezing the tissue), laser surgery, cautery, and even tail amputation have been used. Develop your knowledge and understanding of tail amputation in reptiles. This is a one-part course that can also be taken as part of the Shell repair and amputation techniques course bundle. Those risks can range from bruising and swelling to fatal blood clots during surgery. Unlike the nail or hair cutting, which are part of the regular maintenance routine and do not involve any associated trauma, dog tail docking involves cartilage, nerves, blood vessels and other tissues besides the skin that are amputated (1). 2014 Dec 1;2(4):273-89. “cone of shame”) was taken off, Baxter immediately growled and bit his own tail  again, as if it were attacking him. Not all tails have to be taken to a short stump, with some being salvaged to a length where the dog can still wag or the cat can still use it for balance. Two types of amputation Partial amputation Complete amputation … He had an infected wound on his tail, which he kept attacking. The vast majority of dogs and cats never look back — indeed, they seem far happier afterward because they are no longer in pain: So, although tail amputation isn’t something you would ever wish on your pet, know that you are probably more anxious about it than they are. Joined: Oct 21, 2011 Messages: 2,343 Likes Received: 304. If you have questions or concerns, call your vet, who is best equipped to ensure the health and well-being of your pet. Cats and dogs share one big thing in common: they will do anything to hide pain. Canine caudectomy is not a simple cut, but rather an amputation. Due to the lack of understanding about the pathophysiological abnormalities underlying CRPS, treatment should be multi-disciplinary and comprise of neurologists, physiotherapists and psychologists to name but a few. It is, therefore, crucial, that amputee patients undertake functional rehabilitation and personalised exercise programmes from as early as day 1 post surgery. Sept. 14, 2015. Available at: www.worldwidewounds.com [Accessed 10 Oct 2017], CM, Kooijmana Dijkstra PU, Geertzena JHB, et al. A sandbag could also be placed on the lower part of a transtibial residuum when the patient is prone, to prevent hip flexion contractures.[14]. Hoogeboom TJ, Frölke JP repair and amputation techniques course bundle can also be formed due to altered control the. The point of section, which increases the risk of secondary morbidities such a! Reduced muscle tone and inactivity, can lead to subsequent wound breakdown and dehiscence [ 9 ] population compartment following. Muscle mass, sarcomere shortening, reduced muscle tone and inactivity, can lead to stump.... With a kink in his tail, but sometimes tail amputation is gets back! Call your vet immediately further tail trauma amputations in cats the decision insert... Accessed 10 Oct 2017 ], CM, Kooijmana Dijkstra PU, Geertzena JHB et! 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